We count any type of travel activity – from vehicles to cycles to people. We even count boats, planes and helicopters.
Most traffic counts these days are carried out by video camera or automatic traffic counters (ATC).
Cameras can be installed to monitor junctions, vehicle behaviour, pedestrian and cycle flows, queues, signal timings, kerbside activity, moving traffic contraventions... Cameras can record a day, several days a week or longer. The footage is analysed and can be provided to the client.
Automatic traffic counts provide a long term (week) lower cost option for monitoring trends over a week of volume and speed.
From time to time, we also carry out in-person counts for situations that particularly urgent or which just can't be done in another way.
Cameras can be installed to monitor junctions, vehicle behaviour, pedestrian and cycle flows, queues, signal timings, kerbside activity, moving traffic contraventions... Cameras can record a day, several days a week or longer. The footage is analysed and can be provided to the client.
Automatic traffic counts provide a long term (week) lower cost option for monitoring trends over a week of volume and speed.
From time to time, we also carry out in-person counts for situations that particularly urgent or which just can't be done in another way.